If something went wrong during your labor and delivery, speak with our team at Baby Birth Injury Lawyers. We have been fighting for families affected by medical malpractice for more than 30 years.

What Is Head Cooling / Hypothermia Therapy?
Hypothermia therapy, also known as head cooling therapy, can be used to prevent injuries and even save the lives of infants who suffer hypoxia, ischemia and/or asphyxia during labor and delivery. This treatment involves one or two techniques: head cooling and body cooling. Within the last several years, cooling has become the standard to minimize and mitigate the permanent effects of brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen at birth. Neonatologists and pediatric neurologists use neonatal cooling therapy to lessen the brain injury caused by perinatal hypoxia and ischemia.

Medical Researchers Found That These Treatments Have Three Major Effects:

  • EXCITOTOXICITY – Neurotransmitters such as glutamate can seep from damaged brain cells, causing damage to other brain cells. Hypothermia therapy slows this leaking and mitigates severe brain damage in some patients.
  • DELAYING CELL DEATH – If a baby in utero is deprived of oxygen for too long, he or she can suffer serious injuries caused by loss of brain cells, such as cerebral palsy, serious brain damage, and even death. Cooling therapy can protect brain cells and thus prevent more serious injury.
  • APOPTOSIS – Not all brain damage occurs immediately. Apoptosis or “programmed cell death” can take place several days after the infant suffers asphyxia. Hypothermia therapy can help minimize this dangerous degeneration.

Know Your Rights: Speak With The Baby Birth Injury Lawyers

If your child did not receive head cooling after suffering a birth injury, you should call Baby Birth Injury Lawyers immediately to determine if you have a medical malpractice case. If your child did receive head cooling, call Baby Birth Injury Lawyers to determine if your child suffered a preventable birth injury. We encourage you to speak with one of our attorneys at your earliest convenience. Our birth injury law firm serves clients nationwide.

Contact us today for a free consultation